Memex Partners With Production Process Through Reciprocal-Reseller Arrangements

Burlington, ON, Canada – October 26, 2023 – Memex Inc. (“Memex” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: OEE), a leader in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) manufacturing productivity software, today announced that it has entered into reciprocal reseller agreements with software developer Production Process.  These arrangements will see Production Process, headquartered in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, add MERLIN Tempus to its product offerings to its current and future scheduling software clientele, while Memex will promote Production Process’s proven Dynamic Scheduling software solution to its customers and prospects.

Production Process intends to discontinue supplying their ProductionAce™ hardware and software and introduce their customers to the advantages offered by Memex’s MERLIN Tempus Suite and connectivity components with integration to their scheduling application.

For MERLIN Tempus users, adding the ability to schedule orders using Dynamic Scheduling’s advanced algorithms will provide them the opportunity to maximize efficiency while receiving real time updates and feedback.

Both Memex and Production Process will benefit from the expansion of their product offerings and broadening of their respective product footprints without the need for further investment in development.   Sales and customer support cross training is anticipated to be completed by the end of the calendar year and both sales teams will start offering the combined product catalogue early in 2024.

Management Commentary:

“I see this partnership as a win for both Memex and Production Process customers who will be able to take advantage of this broadened manufacturing solution set,” Production Process COO, Brad Vigrass, commented, “as well as a win for both our organizations.  By tapping into each other’s user bases we will be able to generate additional revenue with limited additional selling costs.”

About Memex Inc.:

Established in 1992, Memex grew to be an industry leader in Industry Internet of Things (IIoT) through the development of MERLIN Tempus, an award-winning platform that delivers real-time, tangible increases in manufacturing productivity.  Memex is on the leading edge of industry trends in computing power, machine connectivity, industry standards, advanced software technology, and manufacturing domain expertise.

Our persistent pursuit of innovative IIoT solutions led to a comprehensive understanding of the challenge’s manufacturers face.  We made it our mission to, “successfully transform factories of today into factories of the future.”  As the global leader in Machine to Machine (M2M) connectivity solutions, our hardware and software products create unparalleled visibility at all levels, from “Shop-Floor-to-Top-Floor.”

The MERLIN Tempus Suite provides effective quantification and management of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) by revealing hidden capacity using real-time objective data.  Further, it offers sustainable benefits that enable world-class OEE such as reducing costs, incorporating strategies for continuous LEAN improvement, and boosting bottom-line financial performance.  For more information, please visit:

About Production Process:

For over 35 years, Production Process has been helping manufacturing companies optimize their production environment with intelligent communicating instruments with direct operator interaction, advanced scheduling software to optimize order workflow and provide real time feedback from the shop floor as well as full shop floor analytics. The ProductionAce™ product offers standard ERP integration and Dynamic Scheduling with real time feedback to provide effective efficiency and management of the plant floor. For more information, please visit:

For Investor Inquiries Please Contact:

Ed Crymble, Chief Financial Officer


David McPhail, President & CEO



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“Mastering Industry 4.0: Navigating Choices and Commitments for Manufacturing Excellence”

In the landscape of modern manufacturing, the options available to aid companies on their Industry 4.0 voyage are plentiful and diverse. Ranging from straightforward applications that interface with machinery protocols to Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings tracking utilization and on-premise platforms orchestrating interconnected systems, the choices span a spectrum of complexity and investment. Each alternative carries its own strengths and financial implications. It’s within this matrix of possibilities that manufacturers tread to realize their ambitions. However, the linchpin for success lies not just within the technological avenues explored but in the unwavering commitment of the manufacturers themselves.

The bedrock of a fruitful Industry 4.0 journey hinges on an organization’s embrace of cultural transformation, prioritization, and paradigm shift. Without this internal alignment, even the most advanced technology can falter. Regrettably, there are instances of manufacturers who only pay lip service to Industry 4.0 adoption, dedicating token resources and time to yield a lackluster solution that merely fulfills an initiative’s appearance. Simultaneously, other companies erect barriers to shield executive management from disruptive change, championing the heralded evolution of manufacturing while skirting genuine engagement. Boards of Directors receive accounts of pioneering ventures, yet the promised outcomes often remain elusive.

For a company earnestly embarking on an Industry 4.0 journey, pivotal questions must form the cornerstone of their approach. These questions probe the essence of their market reach, sales projections, delivery reliability, product quality enhancement, defect detection, maintenance mitigation, human resources optimization, cost curtailment, traceability augmentation, innovation fostering, automation integration, production efficiency, quality consistency, regulatory compliance, and workforce empowerment.

Merely implementing rudimentary Red Light/Green Light monitoring fails to address these nuanced inquiries, despite its visually appealing allure. Astonishingly, several companies adopt such simplistic monitoring and leave it at that. Conversely, some corporations heed corporate mandates from above without gauging the resource commitments necessary to operationalize these directives throughout the organization. A significant number of companies invest copious resources in elaborate solutions yet struggle to actualize even their first dashboard or report after a year or more. Meanwhile, those opting for a “Safe Bet” approach dip their toes into Industry 4.0 through low-cost SaaS solutions, often underestimating future costs and security implications. Once engaged, extricating oneself from this commitment can be as daunting as the refrain from the iconic song, “Hotel California” – you can check out any time you like, but can never leave.

To triumph in the Industry 4.0 landscape, manufacturers must undertake a dual commitment: a cultural revolution and judicious technological selection. These two pillars, when properly aligned, address the most crucial facets of modern manufacturing:

1. Process Optimization: Iteratively refining production processes to eliminate bottlenecks, shorten cycle times, and enhance overall efficiency.

2. Quality Assurance: Instituting robust measures to minimize defects and ensure adherence to rigorous quality standards.

3. Lean Methodologies: Embracing lean principles to eradicate waste, optimize resource usage, and heighten operational efficacy.

4. Automation and Robotics: Seamlessly integrating automation and robotics to streamline tasks, mitigate human errors, and expedite production.

5. Employee Training: Establishing comprehensive training programs to empower manufacturing personnel, bolstering efficiency and output quality.

6. Sustainability: Implementing energy-efficient practices to curtail energy consumption and ecological impact.

7. Predictive Maintenance: Employing data-driven insights to predict maintenance needs, minimizing downtime and optimizing upkeep schedules.

8. Continuous Enhancement: Fostering a culture of perpetual improvement where employees innovate and tackle inefficiencies.

9. Cutting-edge Tech: Exploring advanced technologies like additive manufacturing, augmented reality, and digital twin simulations to elevate product development.

10. Agility and Customization: Crafting adaptable processes that swiftly accommodate shifting product requirements and consumer demands.

Elevating these aspects can propel manufacturers toward heightened productivity, superior products, and competitive advantages. Industry 4.0 acts as the conduit to these aspirations, its technology, and resources serving as essential enablers. Yet, the chosen technology must seamlessly meld with the intricacies of a company’s operational fabric. Simplicity alone falls short.

Now is a pivotal juncture to embark on a transformational journey that fuels sustained growth and prosperity.

Author Tim Smith, Director of Technology Adoption at Memex Inc., expounds on these principles and more. For additional insights, visit

Achieving Successful MERLIN Deployment: The Role of a Dedicated Champion and Committed Management

We are thrilled to introduce you to the MERLIN Tempus platform, a powerful tool that can revolutionize your shop floor operations. To ensure a successful deployment, we have observed that having a dedicated champion selected from your ranks, along with unwavering support from management and all departments, is crucial. The champion will play a pivotal role in driving the implementation forward and achieving the desired outcomes. Below is an instructional guide on how to ensure a smooth and successful MERLIN deployment:

1. Pick and Enroll Machines:
– Create an ongoing multi-phase project plan to systematically select and enroll machines into MERLIN.
– Prioritize machines based on their criticality to value streams and operational efficiency.

2. Address Problematic Machines:
– Identify any problematic machines and create corrective action tickets for targeted improvements.
– Do not let issues curtail the overall deployment plan; address them in parallel with other activities.

3. Setup Views and Reports:
– Configure MERLIN to generate customized views and reports that align with the specific needs of your organization.
– Tailor the reports to provide actionable insights for different departments.

4. Introduce MERLIN to Everyone:
– Organize workshops and training sessions to familiarize all personnel with MERLIN, its features, and benefits.
– Ensure that employees understand how to utilize the platform to enhance their productivity.

5. Collaboration with Each Department:
– Work closely with each department to understand their objectives and requirements.
– Guide them through the process of selecting, enrolling, configuring, and generating data to meet their goals.

Specific Activities for Each Department:

a. Production:
– Generate throughput reports and delivery reports for performance analysis.
– Validate and update product standard cycle time, setup time, and material conveyance time in the ERP system.
– Establish data-driven strategies to manage human resources effectively.

b. Quality:
– Capture and analyze quality data, focusing on reject information and first piece run-off inspection tracking.
– Implement RED Tag QC disposition ticketing for efficient quality management.
– Institute traceability measures to monitor and enhance product quality.

c. Maintenance:
– Utilize runtime/cut time accumulators and triggers to inform maintenance teams proactively.
– Integrate E-alerts or email messaging for rapid response to maintenance needs.
– Incorporate scheduled maintenance tickets into the MERLIN job scheduler.

d. Engineering:
– Introduce Continuous Improvement (CI) tools, including GEMBA view, MPMM, Multi-machine State Summary View, Plant View, and Tooling View.
– Utilize ticketing for effective CI project management and issue resolution.
– Evaluate part-to-part time for identifying minor stoppages and implementing improvements.

The Vital Role of a MERLIN Champion:

Gentlemen, it cannot be emphasized enough that the success of the MERLIN deployment heavily relies on having a dedicated champion to drive the initiative forward. The champion will be instrumental in coordinating efforts, resolving challenges, and ensuring that the platform is seamlessly integrated into your daily operations. With a committed champion and management buy-in, you can create the necessary momentum to achieve outstanding results with MERLIN.

In conclusion, all the activities mentioned above are indeed doable and well within the scope of the MERLIN platform. We encourage you to select a champion from your ranks and garner support from all departments to embark on this transformative journey successfully.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. We are here to support you every step of the way.